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Our Mission


Beyond great fried fish, we're passionate about bringing together an eclectic and diverse community of customers. We will provide leadership and embrace community to sustain long-term growth and customer satisfaction for our world class brand.

We will promote quality and service at all levels while enhancing our brands’ competitive advantage.

We're very excited to start LOCAL and GO Regional.

Our 2 reasons to exist:


  • Create employment for job candidates who are highly motivated work but have barriers to successful employment.




Busy schedules of both parents and children make it harder to have "family dinners." But families may not be aware of the benefits that come with regularly eating together at the table.

Research suggests that having dinner together as a family at least four times a week has positive effects on child development. Family dinners have been linked to a lower risk of obesity, substance abuse, eating disorders, and an increased chance of graduating from high school.


Eating dinner together as a family provides the opportunity for conversation. This lets parents teach healthy communication without distractions from smart phones, television, computers, and mobile devices.

By engaging your children in conversation, you teach them how to listen and provide them with a chance to express their own opinions. This allows your children to have an active voice within the family.

Conversations at the dinner table expand the vocabulary and reading ability of children, regardless of socioeconomic status. Family dinners allow every family member to discuss his or her day and share any exciting news.


Our Values



Our Core Values




We committed to providing value to our customers and community. We are knowledgeable and passionate about our brand and are committed to finding innovative ways to fuel growth. Faithfully focusing on service excellence and quality.




We display integrity at all times  in our business decisions. We support the sense of doing what’s right through a culture of open communication and a spirit of teamwork. We value diversity among our employees and supply chains.




We take seriously our responsibilities as a corporate citizen, always aware of how our actions can benefit the community and sensitive to the needs of the environment.

© 2015 by  J Hot Fish. Proudly created with

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